Wood Blend EDP 100ml عطر و ادکلن اورجینال

خرید عطر و ادکلن Wood Blend EDP 100ml نت پایه Leather, Olibanum, Amber برند DAVIDOFF مناسب France


قیمت فروشنده

10 عدد در انبار (می توان پیش خرید کرد)


گارانتی اصالت و مطابقت کالا

موجودی و زمان تحویل!

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ضمانت کالای خوب

7 روز ضمانت خرید بی برو برگرد




The Zino Davidoff Group is a Swiss-based family business that manufactures exclusive watches, writing instruments and leather goods for a sophisticated clientele in addition to prestige fragrances, eyewear, cognac and café. DAVIDOFF has committed itself to bring together the finest materials and ingredients the world has to offer. From design, inspiration and craftsmanship – the goal is to provide ultimate quality and reliability. It’s all part of the DAVIDOFF philosophy of perfection. Products bearing the DAVIDOFF brand must represent the finest quality, style and positive lifestyle embraced by the company founder Zino Davidoff himself. Zino Davidoff (1906 – 1994), the cultivated, open-minded and sophisticated gentleman, the visionary businessman and the enthusiastic traveller explored the world for inspiration, always in quest for superior quality. He was an artisan of a happy life, enjoying the simple pleasures life offers and sharing them with friends. His expertise, tenacity and intuition combined with his unique personality earned him the status of a legend. Today, the DAVIDOFF brand resonates throughout the globe as one of the ultimate touchstones for exclusivity. Superior quality and authenticity make DAVIDOFF a synonym for cosmopolitan luxury.

توضیحات تکمیلی


Heart/Middle Note


نت پایه



کد کالا N13526834A دسته بندی , کلمه کلیدی کالا


10 عدد در انبار (می توان پیش خرید کرد)